Personal Leadership Development Programme (PLDP)
The PLDP is a self-development leadership programme. It is a cost-effective and powerful way for an individual to develop his or her leadership judgement. Change agents and learning and development experts find it a valuable resource for meeting a number of development needs.
Some examples of the types of situation where you might find it valuable:
- CEO and MD leadership development programmes.
- Personal leadership development for an individual where it is not practicable to bring a group of people together who have similar shared development needs for a training course.
- Individuals who have leadership development needs where cost, location or organisational constraints make one-to-one coaching impracticable.
- Giving a large number of individuals a common approach to leadership in support of a major culture change initiative.
- Monitoring the way in which leadership culture is developing in an organisation.
Learn more about the Personal Leadership Development Programme (PLDP) here.
If you are a leader who wishes to embark on some self-funded continuing professional development, to arrange for access to the PLDP (£199) please contact Yvonne Mason on +44 (0)115 973 4888 or